Sunday, July 29, 2007

Blegh! I absolutely HATE working. - Esp. when I know my boyfriend is sitting at home and has been for the past how many days because of a HEAVEN FORBID "stomach ache." And of course he's been waited on hand and foot. However, I should have sympathy for sickness if I ever get it because then I'll want people to have empathize with me and my pain.

Tomorrow I work too. One of these of these days....

I'm so glad I'm smart enough for college so that I don't have to work one of these jobs for the next 47 years of my adult life.

Yesterday Brown and I hung out (of course after I worked) with Peterson, Barbian, and Mike. We played the Wii and stuff and then watched the Office. I'm not sure they wanted me there, as I was the only girl, and they called Brown to invite him, not him and I. Nobody complained, though. I believe I just kept them from smoking weed for an hour or so, since they totally did it right before we came...and were going to after we left. I BEGGED brown to go, because of the whole friend issue and how I haven't hung out with anyone other than him for the past month. It wasn't as great as I expected to get out of the rut; mostly because they aren't my friends, they are his. But I have to be thankful that he finally agreed to call the guys back and go because I was almost in tears.

Anyway, I hope I cashier tomorrow because I bagged tonight and was getting SO tired and cranky that I ALMOST started purposefully bagging everyone (who asked for paper) too heavy and badly. - if that makes sense.

I have to eat soon, supper. I know it's late, and I'm going to have something shitty, but that's basically how my summer has been thus far.


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